Pretty weird highlights you may think but you just gotta think "different strokes for different folks". We got to do a lot of walking and the weather was great. I wouldn't call a holiday on the Isles of Scilly relaxing, but it does recharge the spiritual batteries. An island local summed it up perfectly when he said nobody comes to the Isles of Scilly twice, they either come once and just don't get it or they come back again and again. I definitely put myself in the latter category and would recommend it as a holiday destination to anyone.

Because of the blocking high that sat over the uk throughout our stay, the winds were largely non existent, so new birds were hard to come by. I did see and photograph some nice birds, however, with Water Rail being one of the most confiding I have ever seen. Tresco Abbey Gardens provided a wonderful diversion from birds, and on a trip out to see the Bishop Rock Lighthouse up close and personal, our boat crossed paths with a very obliging school of Common Dolphin.